KG Something To Believe In

KG Something To Believe In
About KG Something To Believe In
KG Something To Believe In is a distressed sans font created by Kimberly Geswein in 2012. This extremely detailed print has handwritten look with KG’s classic style and an eroded center. The outline is without blemish and really helps the legibility of the font. This font works best with large text to show off all its detail.
Check out its sister font, KG Lego House!
What’s Included in the Download?
A TTF file of KG Something To Believe
A copy of your License Agreement
An invoice for your purchase
The license, invoice, and font files are available instantly for download after the purchase. Users who have created an account can access links for these downloads at any time on their account page.
This typeface has support for most Latin-based languages.
Warning: This font is very heavy and might cause issues with older computers. Try it out before purchasing a license so you know if your computer can handle it.
For Windows users, this font might freeze the Windows Font Viewer. Right-click on the font file to install rather than clicking on the font file.