KG Love Ya Like A Sister

About KG Love Ya Like A Sister
KG Love Ya Like A Sister is a nostalgic font family created by Kimberly Geswein in 2007. This sketchy serif has a distinct hand made look and a great playful attitude. The solid verison still has lots of character but is a little bit more legible in small spaces.
Note From Kimberly:
Y’all really love this font. I see it EVERYWHERE. On EVERYTHING. This was one of my first fonts and I kind of thought it was a mess so I’m thrilled people have loved it. When I was a kid, my sisters (I have 3, and I’m in the middle as the third sister!) and I would sign our notes to each other with LYLAS which we thought was HILARIOUS because we were actually sisters. Apparently our bar for humor was pretty low. I made this right before I moved to China with my husband and kids. I was leaving my sisters behind and that was one of the hardest parts of our move. It’s really true that the best thing about having a sister is you always have a friend!
What’s Included in the Download?
The TTF file(s)
A copy of your License Agreement
An invoice for your purchase
The license, invoice, and font files are available instantly for download after the purchase. Users who have created an account can access links for these downloads at any time on their account page.
This typeface has support for most Latin-based languages.