KG Yoo Hae Mool
About KG Yoo Hae Mool
KG Yoo Hae Mool is a handwritten font created by Kimberly Geswein in 2011. This kids’ sans has all the imperfections of a student learning to write. Its medium sizing makes it easier to read, and helps your accent text or headline stand out with a fun youthful feeling.
Note from Kimberly:
I lived in China for 3.5 years working at an international school and this font is based on the handwriting of one of my South Korean high school students. I love the cute style of writing so many of my Korean students had and was so excited she was willing to let me use it for a font.
What’s Included in the Download?
A TTF file of KG Xiao Gao
A copy of your License Agreement
An invoice for your purchase
The license, invoice, and font files are available instantly for download after the purchase. Users who have created an account can access links for these downloads at any time on their account page.
This typeface has support for most Latin-based languages.</em