KG Math Bar Models

About KG Math Bar Models
KG Math Bar Models is a symbol font created by Kimberly Geswein in 2013. This font allows you to easily type bar models for math. This method of visualization of math concepts is used heavily in Singapore Math, Math Mammoth, and other math programs.
Check out the graphic above that explains how the letters correlate with the typed images.
The uppercase letters and lowercase letters correspond in width. For example, typing an uppercase A will give you a box with a width of 1 unit. Typing a lowercase a will give you a bracket with a width of 1 unit. Each letter increases in width by 1 unit, with the B at 2 units, C at 3 units, etc…
What’s Included in the Download?
A TTF file for KG Math Bar Models
A copy of your License Agreement
An invoice for your purchase
The license, invoice, and font files are available instantly for download after the purchase. Users who have created an account can access links for these downloads at any time on their account page.
This typeface has support for most Latin-based languages.
Products made with symbol fonts (also known as dingbats or doodles) may require additional licensing if the majority of the product is based on a single glyph, such as bulletin board images or cut files.